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Jana Nunčič (*1996, Trbovlje, Slovenia)

Is an alternative theatre director and scenographer, selfemployed in culture and focused in authorial and object theatre, puppetry and alternative, site-specific projects.


She works with experimental sound instalation and interractive happening.  She is searching for new possibilities of use of daily mateiral, sounds in combination with motion and animation possibilities. She does perofrmances for adoult public as well for younger ones.

She likes to make puppets, knits, sews and does graphics design.






  • Academy of Fine Arts Ljubljana, 2015/16 – 2018/19, Erjavčeva ulica 23, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia, Mentor for Bachelor Degree : mga. Žiga Kariž, Thesis title: To experiance the moment.

  • UMPRUM - Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague, Erazums exchange, winter semester 2017,

  • School of Street theatre and performance – 2 year programme by Theatre Ana Monro, 2015-2017

  • DAMU Academy of Performing arts in Prague, from 2019 – Department of Alternative puppet theatre, master program of directing, finished in september 2022 with a thesis “Everyday life and its performative potential”. For her studies she received a scholarship from the Ministry of Culture in Slovenia.

Work, residencies:

  • POLO performance prepremiere in Sladovna Písek and NOVÁ SÍT. PREMERE PLANNED IN DECEMBER 2024

  • Residency in Stockholm Intercult, Theatre in Palm with frindge festival Stocholm, august 2024

  • Residency in ZK/U Berlin and Prague quadreinalle ACTIVE CITY(ZENS) Project, june 2024

  • Performing Cycle of things in SPerformance festival, december 2023 

  • Residency in Cross Attic, Prague, september 2023

  • Confluence, site specific performance for Prague Quadrienal with Tomaš Žižka, june 2023

  • Almost closed eyes, solo exhibition of graphics, in theatre 29, Pardubice, CZ, june 2023 

  • Asistant director for Galop, puppet performance with Tin Grabnar, for Puppet theatre Ljubljana, premiere september 2023

  • Exit - award for inovative stage design from Puppet festival in Nova Zagora, Bulgaria 2023

  • Ballance, object- sound performance, with Luan Goncalves, premiere 17.3.2023, Hosted by Atelier Libušin

  • Stage designer and asistant director of the production Exit by the group Fekete Seretlek, produced by Damuza, premiere May 2022, Prague, directing: Matija Solce.

  • Stage design / collective work : Project Ptačí sněm (The conference of the birds), produced by Děda, devised puppet/sound theatre. Residency in Naplaveno in April 2022 with the organization Nová Sít, CZ.

  • Residence in Children interactive Gallery - Galerie Hrou, Písek (CZ), She was working for gallery many times as a resident on own project for the festival and once as an echibition builder, co-creator.

  • Recieved a student research grant on topics Landscape of Sound: mentor Tomáš Procházka (june - december 2022), results: article, 3-day workshops, audio-video work.

  • August 2022 - Stage design, costumes and performing for: Approximate opera for NODO (New Opera Days Ostrava, CZ), world premiere, Composer : Lucie Pachová, collective work, (played in different constelations and spaces in Prague later on).

  • September 2022 - Workshop DIY musical instrument - Soutok -collaboration with Luan Goncalves

  • Collaborating on the sitespecific project Soutok (from 2020-2023) as a mediator between comunity, working on festivals and programe, as an educational model with high schools in the area (project will be presented in Prague Quadrienalle in 2023)

  • From 2020 - 2023 Organising Environmental day festival AMU (helping with production and light design on Academy of performing arts, Prague.

  • In 2019 she worked as a workshop mentor at Kersnikova gallery, Rampa lab.

  • She has performed at Subpoetics international; Gershom theatre, directed Seth Baumrin in Production Bird ( research residency in Lviv, Ukraine with Gershom theatre).

  • VN LAB in 2019, Its one semester of weekend workshops on performing by Via Negativa theatre.

  • In 2018, she participated in the Transformatorio 2018 residency, Giampillieri, Sicily Italy.

  • Scenography volounteer for Mojster in Margareta (Bulgakov) performance in Ljubljana´s puppet theatre

  • ASK trainer course for assistant trainers in youth circus schools, Geschwend, Germany.

  • Exhibition Spominčica, Forget me not, group exhibition, Autonomus Factory Rog, Lubljana

  • She received an award for the artwork Home in September 2018, Sevnica Cultural Centre,

  • Residency at Festival de9et, Belgrade, installation Postmortal masks in 2017, with Tisa Neža Herlec and Urša Godina

  • Residence for the Festival of Light, organized by Association Roztoč- Carousel of Culture, CZ, nov. 2016

  • Art and Traditions Set the scene; work on performances, Erasmus exchange - in the organization Synoksin Association, Pierrefontaine lès Blamont, France, 2017

  • Utelešenje, Gallery Equerna, Ljubljana, 2017 (group exhibition)

  • 2015 Grow conscious and feel your body - Erasmus+ training course; Youth4youth Erasmus+, Osho Gautama, Multiversity, Dumenza, Italy

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